
Bedroom Mood Board

So this was originally suppose to be my first post to explain how I first got started on this DIY decorative fever, but alas there were more instant musings that I just had to post before getting around to this one.

Well now the time has come for me to introduce you to the site that has "bewitched me body and soul," to steal from Mr. Darcy(here).

Allow me to introduce to you Young House Love, the best thing since sliced bread, well at least I think so. They have been speaking my language ever since I've discovered them and I have yet to turn an ear to this couples incredible style and talents. Yes, my name is Mina and I am Young House Love obsessed, but there's more to this post then professing my undying love for this blog, I promise.

Anyways, it is from the Petersik's mood board gallery (very muse inducing) that I got the idea for my future bedroom mood theme which I tweaked a bit and ultimately turned out looking like this:

Don't you just love the color, especially the turquoise blue, that is what I am really feeling right now since my current rooms theme is a more orange & white and it's been that way for at least  5 years now so I am definitely ready for a new color and pattern scheme. The original mood board taken from Young House Love is everything you see except the Z Gallerie curtains and bed set that I'm recently drooling over. They are really expensive so I'm definitely looking to recreate my own Z Gallerie inspired bed set and curtains and who knows maybe I'll try out a rug like my lovely friend Bri did here to go with the theme, but I can't think about that now, I am on DIY musing overload with the different ways and items I've found already from my favorite online stores (Ikea, Target, Jo Ann). I plan on posting my realistic mood board after I figure out how to actually do my own mood board and once I go to the actuals stores and see what I can work with and what I'm just better off buying. But this future bedroom renovation is months away so I have plenty of time to compare and save til that day comes and I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy the journey until then. Here's to getting my mood board out sooner then this post and DIY shopping.  Who wants to join me? :-)

P.S. What's your current mood for your room (bedroom, kitchen, bath, living, etc)? Did I inspire you? Are you going to join me in my Young House Love fascination and go DIY crazy together? Let me know how you feel and don't be shy about following me . :-)

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