
I Am Second

So I want to do a quick mobile post from my phone to try out this new mobile posting feature from my phone whenever I want! I have a feeling I'm going to be addicted to this option.

Anyway, I was going through my phone's photos when I came upon a picture of a pin that I made into a broach because I wanted to get some use out of it. Here's what I did:

I had recently acquired some sweet hand-me down clothes from Molly (mom away from home) and found this cute maroon shirt/blouse that I later learned was an old Chick-fil-a employee blouse, I had no idea until a former employee had brought it to my attention.

Anyway, I took this blouse and paired it with black skinny jeans but the blouse's fit gave my form a very loose, large, & bulky shape to it, so I used my "I Am Second" pin to add some shape to my outfit. I just pinned it to the front of my blouse bunching up about 7 inches of material in the front and voila!

And here's a close-up of the pin/broach.

Love it, and it didn't cost anything. Well, if you don't include my aleady owned pair of black skinny jeans which costed me about $5-$10 dollars at the time. Yeah, free outfits!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my first mobile post from the iPhone. There will be lots more to come I'm sure whenever I'm without my computer and in an amusing mood. ;-)Speaking of mood one of my next posts will be about my mood for my future bedroom and how I'm going to acquire this theme on a single-twentysomethingfreshoutofcollege budget, exciting stuff I assure you. Till then see if you can revamp am old shirt/blouse or pin that hasn't been getting any use recently.

If you're curious to see what this I Am Second pin is about check out the website here:http://www.iamsecond.com/
It does a lot better job at explaining itself then I ever could.

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