
Quick Fix!

So, it's the last day of the month and I'm writing this determined to at least attempt one post a month, no matter how short (update: this will appear in May) This quick project took about 10 minutes total to complete, if not less and it didn't cost me a cent. I got the inspiration while I was cleaning out some boxes I hadn't gotten around to sorting out when I first moved into my apartment. I was either recycling or trashing everything I couldn't find use for to get rid of the clutter I was slowly amassing in my huge walk-in closet (I think the fact that the closet was so big made it easier to use it as storage and not notice much of the junk pile of stuff that needed cleaning out). Anyway, so that's where I was when I found this empty bottle of aromatherapy Orange Ginger body lotion, it was a gift from a gracious mother at the daycare I use to work at and I just loved everything about that bottle and couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.

I must admit, I am a hoarder, more specifically a glass bottle hoarder, (as I type I have at least 4 empty wine bottles in the bottom shelf of my cupboard waiting to be painted or used in some creative way, like these pictures which gave me the incentive I needed to save them).

I just don't see the sense in throwing away glass of any kind, but I digress. So I had this great empty bottle and I was trying to figure out what to do with it in order to not throw it away. Since this project was done a while back I can't remember what lead to my epiphany moment, but I had it and it was beautiful and simple.

I decided to use black and white craft paint I had on hand to paint over the space where the label for the bottle was in order to repurpose it as a more generic but chic lotion bottle for my bathroom. I personally never really got into the bathroom soap and lotion pairing but I love having that option when needed and it makes the space so much more complete and attractive. This was also before the chalkboard paint explosion of projects started popping up everywhere and I realized that my craft could pass as a "faux" chalkboard creation. I like the fact that it is NOT chalkboard paint but gives a great impression of it, it was totally unintentional, but cool at the same time to see that I was kind of ahead of the fad with my mini-project.

So there you have it, my quick 10 minute craft project on a dime (or in my case free). This project shouldn't break the bank in terms of materials all you need is:

1) empty glass jar with a pump-FREE, if you're a glass jar enthusiast
2) Craft paint- $1.50/each at any local store if not already in possession
3) Paint brush- $2/pack at any local craft store or Wal-mart

Fun, purposeful, and satisfying craft project for under $10, maybe under $5 if you find good deals. I hope you found this inspiring and can even find more uses out of this simple craft idea. Thanks for your time.

P. S. the hard part was depositing the lotion into the jar, I'm sure everyone has a method (I don't think mine was the easiest but it worked) and the end result was well worth it. Plus, the generic unscented lotion I used smelled great coming out of the bottle since it was filled with aroma of the orange ginger lotion before it.

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