
Welcome to Musing with Mina!

Have you ever stumbled upon a blog, magazine, poster, or article that triggered an obsessive nerve in your brain that you just can't shut-off and you find  yourself daydreaming about it at every spare second you get and suddenly it becomes your inspiratherapy (I totally just made this up, but go with me here) to unwind from the day, you run to it to calm you down or escape from the everyday mundane and somedays wish you had the budget and 7 houses on hand to renovate and redesign to your hearts content?

No, just me?

Well, I always enjoy discovering and obsessively reading blogs that embody some aspect of my ever increasing creative style. From DIY home renovations on the cheap, to cooking like a top chef (trust me this list will expand and evolve to many areas in the future) I love them all and I can't seem to be getting enough of them.

Which leads me to this blog in which I hope to inspire and share with you what I find inspiring and daydream worthy on a daily basis. And how I try to somehow and/or someday incorporate these muses into my daily lifestyle as this dreamer turns into a doer.

Join me on this journey of creative discovery and maybe get inspired in the process.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Mina, this blog is very creative and divine. Looking forward to seeing whats to come...!
